Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Crop Addict August kit!

Just finished up my layouts and projects for my first month designing at Crop Addict! Their August kit was so yummy! Kaiser, Basic Grey, Imagination Project, Making Memories, Cloud 9, Lil Davis.... the list goes on and on with all the goodies in this kit! Here are some of the layouts and cards I did with it! TFL!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Christmas in July!

Addicted Scrappers just had a "Christmas in July" crop this weekend! What a fun idea to get a head start on some of those Christmas cards and projects that always sneak up on us at the last minute! Too bad I was gone and missed it! If you didn't get a chance to stop over there, go check out their projects anyways. Lots of fun inspiration!

And here are a few of my own Christmas themed projects and inspirations!

My inspiration for the first one comes from none other than a shopping bag! (who said shopping isn't good for you?!!) The logo on the side of the Old Navy bag grabbed my attention because I loved the stripes behind it and how the letters reflected the color behind them.

I created the same look on this Christmas card by layering strips of patterned paper from an Addicted Scrappers kit, then getting out some old stencils and cutting them out of the white cardstock. When I layed it over the top of the patterned paper, I had a unique see-thru title!

My second card inspiration comes from none other than a Christmas card that I had received! I mean... really... when the holidays are over, what do you do with all those old Christmas cards?? USE THEM FOR SCRAPBOOK INSPIRATION OF COURSE!!

I loved the cool design with drawn-on buttons on it. I also liked the unique way it was folded. Its a bit hard to see, but the front cover is actually cut down the middle and around the right side of the tree. That is all that makes up the front cover. The right side of the card is actually the inside of the card showing.

I created a Valentine/love card using a heart instead of the Christmas tree and used real buttons to cover the heart with and folded it the same way, cutting out the outside edge of the heart on the front cover. The front cover says "Love is" and the inside cover on the bottom right side says "The Greatest Gift."

Here is the inside of the card to better show how the front cover is cut down the middle and around the heart. When closed it says "Love Is the Greatest Gift." When open it says "You Are the Greatest Gift."

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our little fish!

Carson is definitely turning into a little fish lately! After a year of swim lessons, he is getting so much more comfortable with the water. After bribing him with a few matchbox cars (hey- a Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do!!), he was soon going down the slide by himself, doing cannonballs off the diving board and swimming all over the deep end! WOW!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Poolside Pics

Over the 4th of July weekend, we went to visit my brother-in-law/sister-in-law who live outside of Chicago. They have a pool and my boys couldn't wait to go swimming. We could hardly keep them out of the pool! Here are a few fun pictures of us!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Desk Discovered!

Fellow adventurers.....

With extreme excitement, I have successfully discovered the long lost ruin of the "Scrappers Desk." It was covered by the dust of time and the scraps of many long lost layouts. But alas, after many days of careful recovery, it is being excavated to its former glory!

The floor is also slowly being revealed, and drawers of long lost treasures discovered. The excavation site is exciting as new relics are being found in forgotten drawers and cubbies. New organization methods are bringing these treasures on display so the "Scrappers Desk" will never again be lost.

Exciting times!

The excavation is about three-quarters of the way finished, but I will update you as progress continues in this exciting discovery! Until next time adventurers.....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Just a box of crackers...

Isn't it amazing what you can see when you look at objects through the eyes of a scrapbooker??

My inspiration for this Addicted Scrappers DT layout came from none other than a simple Nabisco box! I noticed that the corner logo resembled a photo corner, but that there was writing in it... the word "Nabisco." I liked the concept of adding words to a "corner" and thus.... came the instant inspiration!!

Thanks for looking!

All because of a box of crackers....