Yup... you heard me right. I'm still in shock! I just left Meijers, our local grocery store and saved more than $250!! That's not even including the $96+ I saved in a couple trips to Walgreens and Family Fare!! In fact, in one of my trips to Walgreens, I bought 5 bags of Chex Mix, 2 boxes of Fiber One bars, and 3 bottles of Robitussin cough/cold syrup and they PAID ME! I made a profit of $2.00!!
So... I bet you're wondering how I did it?
I just signed up for a trial membership ($19.99 for TWO months) at
Savings Angel . I had a few teachers that I work with that had been raving about it for about a year, but I kept thinking... I'm doing ok, I usually buy stuff that's on sale, so its not going to save me much. Besides, its $19.99 a month... can I really save enough to make up for it? OH YEAH! I sure was fooling myself! This is the coolest thing I've ever signed up for! Even my husband is shocked!
Its not a complicated theory. Savings Angel simply takes sales from local stores (Michigan and Saint Louis) and matches them up with killer coupon deals to give you unheard of savings. They give you the links to print the coupons or tell you exactly which newspaper coupon flyer to go to to cut out a particular coupon. I was never a coupon cutter, but its easy when they tell you exactly what to print or cut. No going through coupon books in the aisles. I simply took all my pre-cut organized coupons to the store, went down the list I printed from their site and ended up with a great deal!
Here's a couple highlights from my trip to Meijers last night:
*free boys jeans
*free boys underwear
*free boys shoes
*free boxes of Green Giant vegetables
*free tubes of Colgate toothpaste
*free Ladies Speedstick deodorant
*Lean Cuisine meals for $0.90
*hot dogs for $0.15
*Combos pretzel snacks for $0.40
*Betty Crocker tuna and chicken helpers for $0.40
*Electrosol dishwashing detergent for $0.40
*Hunts snack pack puddings for $0.53
My receipt said I had $65.65 in just coupon savings!! I paid $199.18 for $450.61 of groceries! (I'm totally stocked up for awhile!!) My savings were $251.43 and I even got $7.00 off my next shopping order.
I am so excited about this. Just couldn't wait to tell everyone about it! Give it a try. If you do try it, it would be great if you would use me as a referral. My referral number is
15393. Happy shopping and SAVING!!
P.S. For all you scrapbookers... I just saved myself plenty of money to go on a shopping scrappy spree!! YIPPEEE!!