My name is Amber Bretz.
I'm a scrap-a-holic.
hee hee hee...
No... seriously. I really, truly am horribly addicted.
I am one of those people that think about scrapbooking, stay up to wee hours of the morning scrapbooking, and even see scrapbook layouts in everything from truck logos to clothing! I have even been known to grab a piece of paper and "sketch" out a layout idea based off of one of my poor student's T-shirts! Its amazing how I have mastered the art of sketching with one hand, while singing and conducting my music class with the other! And luckily, 7 year olds don't usually notice it when you're staring at their shirts trying to draw the cool swirl or flower that they chose to wear that day! As long as they're having fun in music class!
Pathetic. I know. But its how I think. Its just me.
Simply creative, a little crazy..... me.
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