Friday, April 18, 2008

HUGE Contest at Addicted Scrappers!

Check out the new contest starting at Addicted Scrappers!!


So.... you think you can scrap?
Think you are the ultimate scrap addict?
Think you can outscrap your opponents to be the last scrap addict standing??

Then come join us at Addicted Scrappers for our biggest contest ever!! This will push your scrapping talent to the limit! Each week, you will be issued a challenge. These might be sketch challenges, ad-inspired challenges, or product challenges, whatever we can create to stretch your creativity! Your job will be to complete the challenge and upload your creation by the deadline the following week. Our design team and owners will vote and those left standing will move on to the next round. We will continue until we have only one left who will earn the title of being the "LAST SCRAP ADDICT STANDING"!!


The contest will begin Saturday, April 19 and end June 21.

This is a 10 week contest and you will need to complete each challenge each week in order to move to the next round. Depending on how many players we have participate will determine how many are eliminated each week. We will announce the elimination details after our first round.

There will also be occasional short bonus challenges randomly spaced throughout the contest which will award players immunity and a guarantee of moving onto the next round. Check into the message boards often to stay updated on these challenges.


In order to participate in the contest, you simply need to sign up at Addicted Scrappers. ( and submit one of your favorite layouts. This needs to be newly made within the last three months. Upload it to the gallery under Challenges- Last Scrap Addict Standing. This is your first challenge and your "audition"!!

DEADLINE is April 19- 6:00 CMT time. (Go to to convert your current time to CMT time. No late submissions will be accepted)

Once you have your first challenge uploaded, check the messageboards to see the players moving on!! That's it!


We have a fantastic prize for our final last scrap addict standing! The winner will get a prize package and be offered a position as a GAC for Addicted Scrappers for the month of August!!! WHOO-HOOO!!

So... what are you waiting for? Go get that layout uploaded and come join the fun and see if YOU can be the last scrapper standing!!


KerrynF said...

I would have love to join in your comp, but I was never activated after registering for the forum.
Hope you have a very successful comp.

Zoa said...

I would have loved to join your contest- but I was never activated. I tried for 3 days with no luck. I sent numerous emails- with no reply. To say I am frustrated is an understatement! I do not have a very good impression of your club after this.... I would really love to know what happened!! my email address is: if you would like to respond!
Zoa Barker