Thursday, August 21, 2008

And the winner is.....

Thanks so much everyone for coming out to join in my 1000th hit celebration! WHOO-HOO!

My 6 year-old son was my little helper who randomly selected a number between 1-10 (correlates with the 10 people who commented on my post). After wanting to know what "game" I was playing... LOL (I think he thought I was playing his WebKinz!!) he chose number...


Our winner of a scrappy prize is.... BETH!! Congratulations!

Please e-mail me at and let me know your address so I can send you your prize! Thanks everyone for playing along!! Until next time...

2 comments: said...

LOL too cute. Congrats Beth and WTG Amber on reaching 1000.


Marti said...

Congrats Beth!