Well... we survived our first T-ball season with our oldest son Carson. Last year was our experimentation year... we tried gymnastics, soccer, swimming, and T-ball camps. Soccer was definitely not his forte (he was the one running miserably behind all the kids crying "they won't give me the ball"!). Nope... definitely not a soccer kid. But T-ball camp didn't go too bad.
So... we signed up for our first T-ball league this year.
The first practice had me questioning our decision that this was his "best" sport. First was his attempt at throwing the ball... oh help us... his adorable attempt had him flinging his arm across the front of his body and landing the ball all the way in the soccer field to his left. Then he would turn to us with a huge smile and give us a thumbs up... hee hee... hee... yeah... ok.... Then he stepped up to the bat. He was ready, he was holding the bat, ready to swing... until Daddy yelled "Coach- he's right-handed!" He was holding the bat in his wrong hand. Oh boy...
This was going to be a long season.
But much to my surprise, he improved very quickly and loved it! He was a great listener and paid attention most of the time (unless there was a spider or catepillar in the grass... then any ball, coach or players quickly moved into a non-priority position as he squatted down intently watching the lucky little insect! And on some rare occasions, other teammates noticing what he had found would readily leave their positions and race over to see the bug who had commanded so much attention! ...all in the middle of a game!) But if a ball came his way... he usually stopped it. He was a great runner and even managed a few good hits! I was so proud of him! It was fun to go to his games and he was all smiles all the time. What a great little sportsman!
So... T-ball is over, but we will definitely be looking forward to next year's season!
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